Fresher, younger and heroic – that was HYF 2014
It’s all over for another year. Whether you travelled by tuba, wrote about, photographed or created your hero, illustrated, sang, danced, rocked, entertained, explored or fenced your way through the week we hope you enjoyed it. Some of you will have taken part with your schools and others entered events yourselves. Whatever you did - a massive thank you for taking part. Some of you helped us make HYF happen this year by designing, helping with sound and lighting and backstage or organising events with us – a very special thank you to you. To our sponsors old and new we couldn’t make this happen without you – you are doing a wonderful thing by supporting young people in Henley. And to every parent, teacher, helper and volunteer who put their hand up and got involved – you are amazing – thank you!
Don’t forget to watch the film - - and email to view and buy the photos of the events you were in – they will only be available until 28th March.
See you all next year – watch this space for dates!