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Local Clubs

There are a whole host of clubs for children of all ages in the Henley area that teach, develop and encourage a variety of skills, experiences and discuplines. From dancing to acting, singing to learning an instrument, playing rugby to becoming a girl guide, there's something to suit every growing personality.


Here we list a number of these clubs and groups. Get in touch with each one to find out more. Also, if you are a club or group that isn't mentioned here and would like to be please get in touch with us at


Acorn Music Theatre Company

Our aim is to advance the education of all young people, regardless of ability, in the art of theatre, music and other performing arts, by creating original music theatre based on multicultural myths, legends and world stories.



AFC Henley 

AFC Henley (FA Community Charter Club) Mini-Soccer Centre for boys and girls U5 – U8. Saturdays 9.15 – 10.15 (U5/U6) and 10.30 – 12.00 (U7/U8) at AFC Henley’s Sports Ground at Jubilee Park Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames (opp. Tesco). Run by external FA-qualified Academy Coaches.

The club also fields 16 teams from U9 to U16 in the East Berks Youth Football League. 

Enquiries: Trevor Howell on 01491 578850/07711 845956 or


Alison-Jayne School of Dance

ISTD Ballet, Tap and Modern classes held at Christ Church Centre, Henley-on-Thames (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) and Sonning Common School (Mondays). All ages welcome - from age 3 to 18. 

Contact: Alison-Jayne Simmons on 0118 979 0683


All Saints Church, Peppard - Junior Choir 

Children aged 6 to 18 are welcome to join this group. We practice on alternate Wednesdays between 7 - 8.00 pm. We follow the ‘Voice for Life’ training scheme and learn a wide variety of music to sing at various Sunday services, R.S.C.M. Choir Festivals and also at weddings.

Contact: Rebecca Bell on 0118 972 2967.


1st Henley Scout Group, Greys Road, Henley

Boys and girls 6–17 years old take part in a wide variety of exciting activities. Beavers meets on Sunday evenings; Cubs meet Mondays and Friday; Scouts meet Friday and Sundays; and Explorers meet on Thursday evenings. There may be a waiting list for some sections.  Contact:


Club SC

Sonning Common Youth Club runs on Weds evenings for years 6-8 from 7-9pm and Tuesday evenings for years 9-11 from 7-9pm. Just 50p entry and we are above the sports hall in Chiltern Edge School.  We run activities such as the arts award, cooking, football, dodgeball and organise trips like paint balling, theatre and theme parks. Website:



Henley Cricket Club

At Henley Cricket Club we take our cricket and our cricket training seriously but in a fun environment. In addition to over 100 junior fixtures taking place during the summer, social members are welcome to all the club's frequent social activities including: several BBQ evenings, the pavilion bar which is open during senior home matches and junior Friday evening training, the 2019 World Cup Cricket Festival in early June and the Junior end of season awards night.


Henley Cricket Club’s growing junior section now provides cricket for over 300 youngsters both boys and girls between the ages of 7 (school year 2) up to 17. The club fields multiple junior teams at U9, U11, U13 and U15 for the boys and U10, U12, U14,U15 and U16 for the girls. They play league fixtures in the Berkshire Youth League, the Oxfordshire Youth League. We also run an All Stars intro to cricket with the ECB on Friday evenings. 

Contact via:


Henley Music Centre

The centre provides structured ensemble groups for all orchestral instruments leading up to the Henley Youth Chamber Orchestra. Some instrumental lessons also take place in the Centre. Henley Suzuki Violins run their group sessions there and theory is available too. The Centre is supported by the Eureka! Foundation which also runs Reading Youth Orchestra and initiates many music projects at all levels. Website: Contact:


Henley Music School

Henley Music School is a not for profit Community organization, currently supported by the Henley Festival. It was founded to benefit school children in Henley and the surrounding areas.  Henley Music School now incorporates the Henley Festival Orchestra, which further increases musical opportunity for all.  The school offers music education to any child, of any age, at any school and of any means.  Currently over 100 children take part in a huge number of clubs including:

  • String groups

  • Ukulele Clubs

  • Rock & Pop group

  • Drumming Club

  • Keyboard skills

  • Musicianship

  • Flute Choir

  • Sax and Clarinet club

  • Wind Band

  • Brass Band

  • Recorder Club

We also offer individual teaching in any instrument, and free loan of an instrument for a year.Our ethos is any child should be able to enjoy music, therefore we offer bursaries, and scholarships to enthusiastic candidates.

For further information please see our website or

Contact: Laura Reineke on or tel: 07989 396210


Henley Rowing Club

Junior squads and junior rowing for beginners courses in spring and summer. More information at


Henley Tennis Club

We welcome players of all ages and abilities and you will find opportunities for playing, and developing your game; perhaps through one of our coaching programmes for juniors run midweek and at weekends and in certain school holidays.

Contact Colin: or tel: 07972272168


1st Henley on Thames Scouts

The Group prides itself on being one of the very first scout groups founded in the world, having celebrated its centenary in early 2008. It has operated continuously throughout the last 101 years and now forms part of an organization which has 28 million members in 216 countries and territories. Website:

Contact: Group Scout Leader, David Adamson at


Henley Squash Club

Henley Junior Squash Club is a thriving club with over 50 members who play at a range of ability levels from beginner to national. The club is open to juniors aged 5 to 18. The club has an active programme of events for its members including:

  • Afternoon coaching every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday during term time

  • Turn up and play sessions on Sunday afternoons (4.00 to 5.20pm)

  • Junior League

  • Regular Fun Tournaments

  • Annual Club Championship

  • Matches against other local clubs

As the juniors progress they are encouraged to start playing in the adult league and then the adult teams, thereby ensuring continuity between the junior and senior sections of the club.

Non-members are welcome to attend the turn up and play sessions on Sunday afternoons.

Annual membership costs £18 and group coaching costs between £6 and £7 per 40 minute session. Sunday turn up and play costs £3 for members and £4 for non-members.

Contact: Chair, Henley Junior Squash Club, Richard Little at or tel: 07786 942 670


Henley Swimming Club

Henley Swimming Club at the Henley Leisure Centre. We are friendly competition club offering a teaching and development programme for children from 4 to 19 years of age.

Contact: Ray at or tel: 01189 475599


J G Dance

The Jeannine Greville Dance Academies and Theatre College has been established for over 50 years and hold children’s dance classes every Saturday morning at Gillotts School, for girls and boys aged from 2½  to 18 years, in Ballet, Tap and Jazz. Prospective pupils are offered a free trial lesson, before committing themselves to enrol.

Contact: or tel: 01491 572000


Henley Children's Theatre (Est 1969)

Henley's original theatre school for children aged 4 to 16 years. We put on 2 productions per year at the Kenton Theatre.  All children perform: we are a non-audition group and simply require energy and enthusiasm to begin and we will do the rest.  Children learn basic theatre skills in a friendly, informal environment, where they can blossom and their confidence grow.

Classes are held on a Saturday at Sacred Heart Parish Hall and are grouped in to 7 different age categories.

All information can be found on the website, including on line waiting list etc. Run by Muffin Hurst for 25 years - this is very much a family concern (3rd generation!) with a strong family ethos and simple enjoyment at the core.

Website: Contact: Muffin Hurst on 01491 614882


Henley Soccer School

“Practice makes the player” Qualified F. A. coaches organise Saturday morning mini-soccer for boys and girls for the age groups 4 - 9 at the Shiplake Memorial Ground, Memorial Avenue, Shiplake on the grass pitches Sponsored by Surestream Petroleum. 

Contact: Andy Dell or tel: 07973 816989


Henley Synchronised Swimming Club

The club was established in 1977. Synchronised swimming helps to develop teamwork, confidence and commitment. Skills such as creativity, musicality, flexibility and stamina are developed. We are proud to say that some of our teams are now competing and winning medals at a regional and national level. 


There are 5.5 hours training a week available to our girls and boys who start from 6 years old providing they can swim 100m. Training times are Thursdays 5-8pm and Sundays 5-7pm. Contact Karen or Mikki for more information:


Henley Youth Choir

Henley Youth Choir was set up in 2014 and is for 7-18 year olds who love to sing. We have two choirs depending on how old you are - the Junior (for 7-11 year olds) and Senior (for 12-18 years olds) choirs.

They have performed twice at Henley Choral Society’s Christmas Concert and at the Henley Youth Festival ‘Sing’ event at the Kenton Theatre as well as at Henley Royal Regatta and the Living Advent Calendar. Most recently, they sang at the Henley Festival Family Day in July 2016. The Youth Choir sing a wide range of music, from Bruno Mars to Mozart.

Rehearsals take place on Mondays at d:two, Market Place in term time.

Website: Contact Fi Harding: or tel: on 07947 658252 


Mind Lab 

Learning through play. We teach thinking skills, social and emotional intelligence and problem solving through innovative, strategic board games. These new thinking skills are applied to all aspects of life and school whilst having great fun!
Website: Contact: 01628 509021


Girl Guides and Brownies

1st Henley Brownies

3rd Henley Brownies

1st Henley Guides


Henley Hockey Club 

The youth section of the club consists of U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16 teams. Training and practice for boys and girls from Reception school year to school year 11 - from absolute beginner to county representative - takes place Sunday morning at the artificial pitch at  Jubilee Park on the Reading Road and runs September - April.  School year Reception to year 5 train 9.30am – 10.45am and school year 6 upwards 10.45am - 12.00 noon. Youth players aged 13 upwards have the opportunity to progress to the senior teams who play on Saturdays.

Website: Contact: Trish Heggie 01491 636309


The EYOT Centre 

This popular club is based on the Wargrave Road in Henley. Its main activities are canoeing and dragon boat racing. The Youth Section (14-18 years) meets on Tuesday evenings 7pm - 9pm throughout the year. The Junior Section (9-13 years) meets on Wednesday evenings, May to September (term-time) 6pm - 8pm. All new kids welcome! (canoeing) (dragon boat racing)

Membership details are available from Pete Holloway on 0118 948 2447


Trinity Trainer Pool

The Henley Trinity Trainer pool, is a warm, shallow pool for babies and school children. It is operated by a local charity. Tony Potterton (07702 325132) and Anne Franklin (01491 578698 or 07774 190875) run swimming classes for age 3-7 years and 3 months to 7 years respectively.

The pool is also available for private hire and children’s birthday parties.

The vibrant and colourful new environment, complete with Nemo paintings and Trinity Ted, make this an exciting place to introduce children to swimming.

Please visit for further details and to register.


Le Club Francais

Fun French designed to stimulate children's natural enthusiasm for language and communication through songs, actions and games. Contact: Sarah Nall 07785 774974


Julie Rose Ballet

Classes for pre-school to Advanced 1 RAD ballet, lessons in tap and modern ages 6 upwards, at Shiplake Memorial Hall every weekday. Ex-professional Royal Ballet dancer.

Contact: Julie on 0118 948 3430


Kennylands Gym

Having merged two successful clubs together, Thames Valley Gymnastics Club and Tilehurst Gymnastics Club, we are excited to be able to bring our wealth of gymnastics experience together to form Kennylands Gymnastics. We have been providing gymnastics classes for over 20 years . We provide gymnastics classes for recreation, preschool, freestyle gymnastics and at squad level.

Contact via:


Steph's Dancing Divas & Dudes

Weekly classes, dance parties & holiday workshops for both children and adults.

Website: Contact:


Springbox Gymnastics Club

Springbox is a friendly and fun environment where children can enjoy weekly preschool, recreational, squad and freestyle gymnastics classes in Henley (Henley college sports Hall) and Wallingford (Wallingford School) Also offering holiday camps, private lessons and gymnastics parties. We are affiliated to IGA and have been based in Henley for 36 years. We also have children competing in regional and national level competions. Contact Caroline or Carly: also available on FB & Instagram.



A friendly and secure environment. Encouragement in all areas of performing arts: dance (modern, tap, jazz), singing, voice coaching, drama & technical theatre. Experienced qualified teachers. Regular personal assessment. Based in Henley, Caversham, Cookham and Benson.

Contact: Jane Taylor on 01628 898038.


Upper Thames Rowing Club

Tel 01491 575745


Tri-Henley Junior Triathlon Club

Tri-Henley is a friendly and welcoming club which caters for girls and boys aged 10 to 18. Our members are of a range of abilities; we cater for those who are very serious about the sport and will qualify for the inter-regional championships at the end of the season as well as youngsters who have taken up triathlon for fun, exercise and to make new friends. Club training sessions run during state school term times on Wednesday evenings at Henley Leisure Centre and on Thursday evenings at Shiplake College. Our head coach is Great Britain triathlete and professional individual coach, Sophie Whitworth.

If your child is in Year 6 or above and would like to find out more about the club, please email to arrange a trial session. For more information please see our website or contact us at


AFC Henley
Alison Jayne
All Saints
1st Henley Scout Group
Club SC
Henley Cricket Club
Henley Music Centre
Henley Music School
Henley Rowing Club
Henley Tennis Club
1st Henley on Thames Scouts
Henley Squash Club
Henley Swimming Club
JG Dance
Henley Children Theatre
Henley Soccer School
Mind Lab
Girl Guides & Brownies
Henley Hockey Club
EYOT Centre
Trinity Trainer Pool
Le Club Francais
Julie Rose Ballet
Kennylands Gym
Stephs Dancing Dives & Dudes
Springbox Gymnastics Club
Henley Youth Choir
Henley Synchro

Henley Youth Festival 2025

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